Preparing Camera Ready Copies
Below you will find instructions for authors on how to prepare an EDBT 2000 compliant camera ready version of your article. Please direct questions and requests for assistance to Torsten Grust (e-mail: The EDBT 2000 Proceedings will appear in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
The hard deadline for camera ready copy submissions is
Please do your best to meet this deadline. We, the editors, need enough time to merge all your submissions and submit the bundle for production. Failure to meet the deadline might ultimately lead to exclusion of your article from the proceedings. Thank you.
There is a hard page limit of 15 pages for your article. This includes everything (references, appendices, figures, ...). Please adhere strictly to this limit.
(NB. If you are an author whose submission is part of the Industrial & Applications track, then your hard page limit is 5 pages. Anything else on this page applies to your paper without modification.)
The printing area for each page is 122 mm × 193 mm. Use 10-point type and single-line spacing for the main text. We recommend to use Computer Modern Roman (CM) fonts, Times, or one of the similar typefaces widely used in photo-typesetting. Do not print page numbers; we will allocate these for you. Do not print running heads; they will be added later.
All authors are required to follow Springer's author guidelines which you can find below. We strongly recommend that you use LaTeX for your submission. Springer provides LaTeX (2e and 2.09 as well as Plain TeX) style files that implement the above layout restrictions for you. We have already collected the correct style files from Springer's web site, see below. (If you must use MS Word, you will also find Word document templates there.)
Papers are to be submitted via e-mail. Please send a PDF
(Adobe's Portable Document Format) file of your article as well as all input files (LaTeX sources,
styles, EPS figures, or MS Word files) that you have used to typeset your
article. Please do ensure that your PDF file views and prints
without problems (e.g., using Adobe's
Acrobat Reader). Preferably collect the
files into a TAR or ZIP
archive and mail your submission to
As Springer plans to make the proceedings available electronically (in addition to the printed edition), we cannot accept hardcopy submissions.
Copyright Transfer
We need you to sign a copyright form in which you transfer the right to reproduce and distribute your contribution to Springer. (You may still place your article on your personal web pages as long as you follow the guidelines given in the copyright form.)
Please download and print the copyright transfer form in PDF or PS format, fill in the required information (Conference: EDBT 2000, Volume Editor(s): C. Zaniolo, P.C. Lockemann, M.H. Scholl, T. Grust), sign it, and mail the form to
Please make sure that the copyright form arrives in Konstanz prior to November 26, 1999. We will send you an e-mail notification once we have received the form.
Springer Author Guidelines and Style Files
Springer's author guidelines for LNCS should answer most of the
questions related to the preparation of your camera ready copy.
Download the guidelines in PS or MS Word format.
The style files referred into in this document are available below.
Most packages come with a file that gives
an overview of what you will find in the ZIP archives and how to
LaTeX Styles
Please use the newer LaTeX 2e class if possible.
Plain TeX Styles
MS Word Document Templates
If you must use MS Word, please carefully read the documentation (PDF or MS Word
format) of the document template you will find below.
Download the ZIP archive.
Download the ZIP archive.
Download the ZIP archive.
Download the ZIP archive.