EDBT - Extending Database Technology

Extending Database Technology

Promoting and supporting research and progress in the fields of databases and information systems technology and applications

Next conference: EDBT 2025 (28th Edition)

Barcelona, Spain

EDBT/ICDT 2025 Joint Conference

28th International Conference on Extending Database Technology

Barcelona, Spain

25th - 28th March, 2025

Local Web site

Notice that from 2022 on, the EDBT Conference switched to 3 submission/publication cycles for its papers. Details can be found below.

Submission deadlines for 2025 are Feb 2, 2024; June 5, 2024; October 9, 2024.

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Welcome to the Web site of the EDBT Association (edbt.org)

The Association

The EDBT Association is a non-political and non-profit organization for promoting and supporting research and progress in the fields of databases and information systems technology and applications. It was formed in 1990 to provide a stable structure to support the continuity of the EDBT Conference series; it changed its legal status in 1995, assuming the current legal form of an association according to Italian laws.

Our major activity is the promotion of the International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), which has been held every two years since 1988. From 2008 on, the Conference is being held annually.

The EDBT Association has close relationships with other organizations in the database field, including ACM SIGMOD, IEEE TC on Data Engineering, VLDB Endowment, and the ICDT Council.

Conference Proceedings

In the beginning, the Conference Proceedings have been published by Springer-Verlag as part of the LNCS Series. We have also promoted a series of Summer Schools, started in 1991.

From 2008 to 2013, the Conference Proceedings have been published in the ACM Digital Library (part of the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, AICPS); Open Access copies are located on this EDBT.org server in Germany.

In the year 2014, EDBT Proceedings moved to a new, fully Open Access publication platform they started in cooperation with the University of Konstanz Library: OpenProceedings.org. From this publication site, copies of all papers can be freely (re-)distributed under a Creative Commons License.

All EDBT Proceedings are listed in the Computer Science Bibliography at dblp.org.

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Organization of the EDBT Association

The EDBT Association invites as members the key officers of EDBT Conferences and Summer Schools, for a duration of 5 years.

The EDBT Association has an Executive Board (EB), elected by the members. The EB membership term is 4 years. The Association is represented by its President, who is elected by the EB.

The current Executive Board members are:

Angela Bonifati
Lyon 1 University, President
Vassilis Christophides
George Fletcher
Eindhoven University of Technology
Giovanna Guerrini
Università Degli Studi di Genova
Maurice van Keulen
Universiteit Twente, Enschede
Marc H. Scholl
Universität Konstanz
Genoveva Vargas-Solar
CNRS, Grenoble
Yannis Velegrakis
Utrecht University
Demetris Zeinalipour
University of Cyprus
Yongluan Zhou
University of Copenhagen
Dan Olteanu
Universität Zürich (ICDT representative)

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In Memoriam


Joachim W. Schmidt was a founding member of the EDBT Association and long term member of the Executive Board. He has always given valuable advice for further developping the format, the scientific quality, and the attractiveness of our Conferences and Summer Schools. For many of us, he has been a true friend. Joachim passed away in May 2022. We are missing him.


Christine Collet was a senior member of the EDBT community, a long term member of the Executive Board and past President of the EDBT Association. Christine carried out these roles with good humour and enthusiasm, while still making sure that things were done. Christine passed away in early 2019. We are missing her.

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New Publication Schedule of EDBT Conferences 2022 ff.

3 Submit/Review Cycles

Starting with the 2022 edition of the EDBT Conference, we switched to a model of multiple review cycles like many other major conferences in our field: there are 3 cycles each year. Accepted papers of early cycles will be published in early numbers of the Proceedings volume.

The following picture explains the annual scheme for submission/review cycles and the publication of 3 numbers per volume of the EDBT Proceedings.

Submission deadlines and review schedules are always published on the Web site of the coming Conference. The exact publication dates in July, November and March as shown in this picture might slightly vary depending on the year.

Publication Schedule for 3 review cycles per volume/year

12 Month Resubmission Ban

EDBT, like other conferences in our field with multiple submit/review cycles, follows a "12 month resubmission ban" model for rejected and withdrawn papers in each of its track formats:

EDBT conferences typically have tracks with short and long paper formats. Resubmission of work is not allowed to any track of EDBT, if the work - or any work with substantial overlap with the submitted paper and with the same or overlapping sets of authors - was previously rejected from a track of EDBT in the same paper format, within 12 months. A paper withdrawn by the authors after a revision decision will be considered as rejected and the 12-month resubmission ban applies to such papers as well.

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Test of Time Awards

In 2014, EDBT began to give a Test-of-time Award for the paper (or a small number of papers) that has had the most impact in terms of research, methodology, conceptual contribution, or transfer to practice since it appeared in the proceedings of EDBT.

Eligible ConferencesYearWinner
EDBT 20042014
EDBT 1988 to 1994
(4 Conferences)
  • Ralf Hartmut Güting
  • Geo-Relational Algebra: A Model and Query Language for Geometric Database Systems
  • EDBT 1988
EDBT 20062016
EDBT 1996 to 2002
(4 conferences)
EDBT 20082018
EDBT 20092019
EDBT 20102020
EDBT 20112021
EDBT 20122022
EDBT 20132023
EDBT 20142024

Decision: the PC chair appoints a small committee (3 persons max) for the selection of some papers candidates for the award. The EDBT executive board will make the final decision based on this list.

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YearLocationOnline ProceedingsPC ChairInvited Speakers
2026, March 24-27Tampere, FinlandtbaWolfgang Lehner, Vanessa Braganholotba
2025, March 25-28Barcelona, SpaintbaAlkis Simitsis, Bettina Kemmetba
2024, March 25-28Paestum, ItalyQiong Luo, Letizia TancaAnastasia Ailamaki, Sihem Amer-Yahia, H.V. Jagadish, Georgia Koutrika, Sudeepa Roy
2023, March 28-31Ioannina, GreeceSourav S. Bhowmick, Katja HoseLeonid Libkin, Jayant Haritsa, Juliana Freire, Gonzalo Navarro, Anil Goel
2022, March 29-April 01Edinburgh, UKJulia Stoyanovich, Jens TeubnerPeter Boncz, Seung-won Hwang, Marcelo Arenas, Hung Ngo, Moshe Y. Vardi, Nofar Carmeli
2021, March 23-26Nikosia, CyprusYannis VelegrakisKatja Hose, Pablo Barceló, Felix Naumann, Julia Stoyanovich
2020, March 30-April 02Copenhagen, DenmarkAngela BonifatiBenny Kimelfeld, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Juan Reutter, Neoklis (Alkis) Polyzotis
2019, March 26-29Lisbon, PortugalMelanie HerschelDan Olteanu, Ioana Manolescu, Lise Getoor, Wang-Chiew Tan
2018, March 26-29Vienna, AustriaMichael BöhlenChris Jermaine, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, Ke Yi, Thomas Zeume
2017, March 21-24Venice, ItalyVolker MarklCarsten Lutz, Tova Milo, Christopher Ré, Shivakumar Vaithyanathan
2016, March 15-18Bordeaux, FranceEvaggelia PitouraGustavo Alonso, Elisa Bertino, Floris Geerts, Yufei Tao
2015, March 23-27Brussels, BelgiumGustavo AlonsoGraham Cormode, Christoph Koch, Rasmus Pagh, Wolfgang Lehner
2014, March 24-28Athens, GreeceSihem Amer-YahiaFrank Neven, Serge Abiteboul, Christopher Ré, Peter Boncz
2013, March 18-22Genova, ItalyNorman PatonDaniel Abadi, Jan van den Bussche, C. Mohan, Luc Segoufin
2012, March 26-30Berlin, GermanyElke Rundensteiner Michael Carey, Wenfei Fan, Erich Graedel, Alon Halevy
2011, March 21-25Uppsala, SwedenAnastasia Ailamaki Susan B. Davidson, Dan Suciu, Jeff Ullman, Gerhard Weikum
2010, March 22-26Lausanne, SwitzerlandIoana ManolescuAmol Deshpande, Val Tannen, Pierre Fraigniaud, Ian Horrocks
2009, March 23-27St. Petersburg, RussiaMartin KerstenVictor Vianu, Umeshwar Dayal, Georg Gottlob
2008, March 25-30Nantes, FranceAlfons KemperEric Simon, Dennis Shasha, Donald Kossmann
2006, March 26-30Munich, GermanyYannis IoannidisMartin Kersten, Alan Smeaton, David Maier
2004, March 14-18Crete, GreeceElisa BertinoRick Hull, Keith G. Jeffery, Elena Ferrari & Bhavani M. Thuraisingham
2002, March 25-27Prague, Czech RepublicChristian S. JensenHans-Jörg Schek, Ian Harrocks, Jari Ahola
2000, March 27-31Konstanz, GermanyCarlo ZanioloAshish Gupta, Stefano Ceri, Andreas Reuter
1998, March 23-27Valencia, SpainHans-Jörg SchekGerhard Weikum
1996, March 25-29Avignon, FrancePeter M.G. ApersJennifer Widom, Keith van Rijsbergen, Francois Bançilhon
1994, March 28-31Cambridge, UKMatthias JarkeChristopher M. Stone, Andrew Herbert
1992, March 23-27Vienna, AustriaAlain PirotteFrancois Bançilhon, Raymond Reiter
1990, March 26-30Venice, ItalyFrancois BancilhonCarlo Zaniolo
1988, March 14-18Venice, ItalyJoachim W. SchmidtLuca Cardelli

Most links to older editions are courtesy of the DBLP Server.
Since 2009, EDBT Conferences are held jointly with ICDT

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